
Showing posts from 2017

Venezuela's 'Default' Crisis Boosts 4000% Inflation

Venezuela's 'Default' Crisis Boosts 4000% Inflation Bolivar value against dollar, one-27th of last year The Venezuelan economy, which is facing the default crisis, is suffering from hyperinflation of over 4000%. Prices have soared as difficulties in procuring essential commodities have been hampered by the flow of foreign currencies due to economic sanctions by the international community, including the United States. The credibility of domestic currency has fallen sharply. According to CNN, professor Steve Hanke, an economist at Johns Hopkins University, estimated that the price of Venezuela surged 4115% from a year ago. Venezuela 's surge in prices has intensified since the government refused to pay some foreign debt. There is a shortage of food and medicine in all parts of Venezuela now. In front of supermarkets and cash dispensers, there are long lines of people who want to buy necessities. Hanke's research results are lower than those of other s

Volvo, Supplied 24,000 self-driving vehicles to Uber

Volvo, Supplied 24,000 self-driving vehicles to Uber XC 90 models from 2019 ... "Total contract size is one billion dollars" Volvo Cars will supply 24,000 XC90 models as Uber's self-propelled vehicle, the world's largest vehicle-sharing company, according to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). Volvo and Uber have signed the same contract but have not disclosed details. However, the contract is expected to be worth more than $ 1 billion, or about 4.5 trillion won, last year. Volvo will supply vehicles sequentially from 2019 to 2021, when Uber's autonomous service begins, the WSJ said. Software for vehicle calling and sharing services is also installed separately. Volvo has maintained a partnership with Uber, which promotes autonomous driving services. Uber is a Volvo XC90 vehicle and operates an autonomous pilot service in some areas. Uber tried to launch an autonomous service in San Francisco following Pittsburgh last December, but moved the location o

Trump "Unemployment rate down 4% in term ... Next year's economic boom"

Trump "Unemployment rate down 4% in term ... Next year's economic boom" US President Donald Trump said he would lower his unemployment rate to less than 4 percent in his term. Trump said in his Twitter account that "the unemployment rate will fall below 4 percent under President Trump." "Analysts are expecting an economic boom in 2018," he added. The media has interpreted it in connection with a situation in which his strong tax bill passes the House of Representatives last week and is about to vote in the Senate. The Trump government expects the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States to grow by 3-5% over the long term if tax cuts that lower the corporate income tax rate from the current 35% to 20% are implemented.

Dad trying to keep a baby from coming

Dad trying to keep a baby from coming The picture of cute Rat River photographed in China is a hot topic. When a woman approaches a dog with a cub, Golden Rat River, seen as a male, looks at a man's eyes and shuts his eyes. However, when the person did not leave, the daddy pulled the young and looked desperately trying to keep it. At the end of the video, Dad Rat River completely covered his cubs with his whole body. Rat River's desperate attempt to defend his baby's netizens responded that they were "sickened by people."

Zimbabwe's Mugabe, ignoring deadline to retire ... The ruling party "discussing impeachment"

Zimbabwe's Mugabe, ignoring deadline to retire ... The ruling party "discussing impeachment" "Mugabe, conditional resignation agreement" There is no official announcement yet Nigerian leaders begin "impeachment proceedings" now ... Ruling party's day (Cairo, 2007) - Robert Mugabe, the 37-year-old ruler of Zimbabwe, faced an impeachment crisis without publicly declaring his position in the ultimatum. Mugabe has not publicly announced his intention to resign at noon, according to Zimbabwean media, the BBC and the AFP. Zimbabwe's Zimbabwean African National Alliance Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) has virtually ignored an ultimatum that it would push for impeachment if it does not retire by noon. US President George W. Bush has said he has agreed to resign, but no official announcement of his resignation has been made. As a result, the ruling party-led impeachment process is expected to start counting down. After the end of the deadli

(Oil price) Conflict trading ahead of OPEC meeting at the end of the month

(Oil price) Conflict trading ahead of OPEC meeting at the end of the month SINGAPORE, Nov. 20 Traders are reluctant to take a new position ahead of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) talks at the end of the month. As of 10:03 am, the Brent futures LCOc1 and US crude oil futures CLc1 are trading at $ 62.60 a barrel, down 0.32 percent, and $ 56.60 a barrel, up 0.1 percent. Traders say, "We are reluctant to take large new positions due to market uncertainty."

China space launch road map announced ... "Nuclear-propelled space shuttle launches by 2040"

China space launch road map announced ... "Nuclear-propelled space shuttle launches by 2040" China announced a "space development roadmap" that plans to complete the development of a nuclear-powered space shuttle by 2040 and to become a global leader in space technology by 2045. According to the China Public World Times and the China Times, the Chinese Hangchuan Science and Technology Group (CASC) published a report on the space development road map that includes these contents. The CASC said in the report that by 2045, the solar system planets, asteroids, and comets are developing space technology capable of large-scale exploration. China plans to develop a nuclear-powered space shuttle by 2040. The report also said that if a nuclear-powered space shuttle is developed, space solar power plants, as well as large-scale space development and asteroid resource exploration will be possible. To this end, the CASC said it plans to launch the "Longitud

(US stocks / closed) Three major indexes ... Concerns about US tax reform

(US stocks / closed) Three major indexes ... Concerns about US tax reform NEW YORK, Nov. 18 (Reuters) - The number of shares in the New York Stock Exchange fell sharply in a day. Without special materials to move the market, investors focused on uncertainty about tax reforms. The Dow Jones industrial average fell 100.12, or 0.43 percent, to 23,358.24. The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 6.79p, or 0.26 percent, to 2,578.85. The Nasdaq composite index fell 10.50, or 0.16 percent, to 6,782.79. Matt Lloyd, senior investment strategist at Advisor Asset Management, said investors are likely to remain in position, saying it is unlikely that new bets will be seen as the trading volume declines for next week's Thanksgiving holiday. "The main factors that will have the greatest impact on the stock market are the Senate and the House of Representatives," he said. "Everyone is interested in whether the House and Senate will pass the tax reform bill and bring i

(Metal) Nickel / Copper prices rise ... Dollar weakness + inventory decrease

(Metal) Nickel / Copper prices rise ... Dollar weakness + inventory decrease London, Nov. 18 - Nickel and copper prices rose on Thursday (local time). It is the impact that the dollar depreciated. In the week, however, both metals showed a downward trend. On the London Metal Exchange (LME), nickel rose 1.8 percent to $ 11,572 a tonne. The weekly rate was down 4.4 percent. Copper rose 0.6 percent to $ 6777 a tonne. It fell 0.5% in the week. For the month, nickel prices peaked in two years. Expectations that nickel will be used in electric vehicle batteries have raised nickel prices. However, since then inventory has increased and nickel prices have fallen. In the LME warehouse, on-warrant copper inventories fell 6925 metric tons to 142,950 metric tons. Nickel inventory fell 7302 tonnes to 246 650 tonnes. Wood McKinsey, a consulting firm, predicts that nickel demand for electric vehicle batteries will increase to about 220,000 tonnes by 2025. Last year demand was about 40,000 to

US 738 crude borehole numbers this week are the same as last week

US 738 crude borehole numbers this week are the same as last week November 18 - US crude borehole numbers this week were unchanged from last week. According to energy service provider Baker Hughes, US crude borehole numbers this week totaled 738 last week, the same as last week. The crude oil borehole is a leading indicator for estimating future oil production, which is still high compared with 471 crude oil bore holes in operation a year ago. US light crude (WTI) prices in the US have been around $ 50 a barrel this year. The average of last year is above $ 43.47. The WTI this week traded at about $ 56 per barrel. It retreated slightly from its record high of $ 58 in July 2015. The WTI is expected to trade at $ 56 per barrel for the rest of the year and next year. According to US investment bank Cowen Nco, US oil producers have increased their spending on drilling facilities by about 53 percent over the previous year. "The United States will be a clear leader in oil an

(Oil Price) rebounded 2% in 6 trading days ... "Expectation to extend production"

(Oil Price) rebounded 2% in 6 trading days ... "Expectation to extend production" NEW YORK, Nov. 18 (Reuters) - International oil prices climbed more than 2 percent on Thursday, closing a five-day losing streak. OPEC's oil pipeline has been shut down and oil prices have risen amid hopes of extending the OPEC cut production agreement. However, the weekly decline was only six weeks. West Texas light crude (WTI) rose $ 1.41, or 2.6 percent, to $ 56.55 a barrel. Brent oil rose 2.2 percent to $ 62.72 a barrel. Both WTI and Brent fell 0.3 percent and 1.3 percent respectively during the week. Uncertainty over Russia's position on extending the US output and OPEC output cuts fueled oil prices. Saudi Arabia's energy minister said yesterday that oil prices were rising as he suggested he would extend the reduction agreement at the OPEC meeting. "Saudi energy minister's remarks have raised the possibility of an extension of the reduction agreement," said P

(Metal) Gold rose 3-month maximum ... "Uncertain tax reform"

(Metal) Gold rose 3-month maximum ... "Uncertain tax reform" NEW YORK / LONDON, Nov. 18 (Reuters) - Gold prices rose on Thursday (local time). The US dollar weakened due to uncertainty over US tax reforms. Gold futures rose 1.4 percent to $ 1296.50 an ounce. Gold spot prices rose 1.2 percent to $ 1293.53 an ounce in late New York trading. It is the maximum daily rise since August 28th. The price hit a record high of $ 1297 a barrel since the 16th of last month. The weekly rate climbed 1.3%, the biggest weekly gain since mid-last month. Tai Wong BMO Capital Market Jewelery Trading Head said, "Investor sentiment has shifted toward the weaker dollar, with the possibility of reducing the number of Republican seats in which the overwhelming majority of Senate elections result in a bare minimum". "The gold price will be able to test the $ 1310 line, a crucial medium-term resistance early next week," he said. The previous day, the House of Representatives a

NHN Korea _ The main investor is individual investor

NHN Korea _ The main investor is individual investor Earnings to positive relative to volatility NHN Korea Cyber ​​settlement rose 8.71% in the past one month, while NHN has recorded W18,100, down 3.72% from 12:10 pm on December 21. The standard deviation of the magnitude of the volatility over the same period was 3.5%. This means that the volatility has remained at its highest level since the monthly stock price return of NHN Korea Cyber ​​Settlement was the highest compared to the major stocks in the software industry. In the past one month, NHN has taken a 2.4-point return on the risk of Korean cyber settlement. The volatility was high, but the return to risk was also high because the share price was fine. In addition, since the software sector's return to risk ratio was higher than -4.1, the sector performance is also positive. Next, when comparing the sectors and markets, the software sector, which includes NHN Korea Cyber ​​Settlement, has lower volatility and higher

4th Industrial Revolution, Block Chain Essence and Great Secret

4th Industrial Revolution, Block Chain Essence and Great Secret "The Devil Comes" Steve Hawking's strong warning about the evolution of mankind, which is too slow for artificial intelligence to evolve as a result of the emergence of strong artificial intelligence, Ellen Musks warned that AI robot hacking attacks could be more dangerous than nuclear bombs. It is sending. In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, what is the reality of the shadow that comes into being as a threat? If the IOT era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, "autonomous vehicles," is hacked like an attack by an extremist Islamic fundamentalist Sunni militant group IS organization that uses sophisticated bomb attacks using real AI and drones combined with hardware. German hackers penetrated Samsung Galaxy S8 'iris recognition' security, which was called "the strongest security", in one minute. The Black Hate warns of danger through artificial heart, in

Ast main investor is individual investor

Ast main investor is individual investor Compared to the index of the sector, At 18:50 pm on the 18th, Ast has dropped by 3.46% from the previous day to 18,150 won, down 7.4% over the past month. During the same period, the standard deviation, which is a risk indicator of stock movement, was 2.2%. In contrast to major stocks in the transportation equipment and parts businesses, the company's volatility remained relatively moderate even though Ast's monthly stock price fluctuated. In the past month, the Asterisk's risk-averaged return was -3.3, with the stock falling, but the risk-to-risk ratio remained moderate in major stocks. Nevertheless, the performance relative to the sector is positive, as it is higher than the risk-return ratio of -9.0 for transportation equipment and parts. Next, when comparing the sectors and markets, the transportation equipment and component sectors to which Ast is a member have lower volatility and profitability than the KOSDAQ ind

Korean Stock Market Conditions - 08/18/2017

Korean Stock Market Conditions - 08/18/2017 Downtrend Most drop in stocks after departure ▣ Closing day (August 18 at 3:37 pm) ◈ Index Trend  -. KOSPI 2358.37p -3.30 (-0.14%)  -. Futures 309.05p -0.20 (-0.06%)  -. KOSDAQ 643.58p +1.47 (+ 0.23%) ◈ Trends in Kospi by investor  -. Foreigner -21.7 billion / Institution -64.9 billion / Individual 59.6 billion / Program -128.8 billion  -. The New York stock market closed at -1% to -2% on the back of President Trump's policy uncertainty and concerns over Spain's terrorism. The announced economic indicators are relatively good  -. Domestic stocks started to decline in full swing, but most of the stock market recovered, KOSPI weak and KOSDAQ closed strong. KOSDAQ Continued Plus Day on Day 4  -. KOSPI has continued to sell programs, while institutional net sales and foreign net buyers have closed. Despite the sluggish supply / demand balance, the pace of decline continued due to pension funds and individual purchases.

Music could become harder to hear in South Korean shops.

Music may go off in South Korean shops, coffee stores and streets from 2018. According to a South Korean new goverment act to toughen protection on intellectual property rights. Health clubs, pubs and coffee shops in all over the country from August next year would have to pay royalties to play music. Under the new act that would be declared next week and implemented after a year-long grace period, health clubs, pubs, restaurants, cafes and where background music plays an important role will also have to pay fees for using copyrighted music. Among large scale commercial sites, shopping malls also would have to pay royalties to play music. The pricing will differ according to the business scale and type and minimum monthly fee is 4,000 won. The South Korean new government will come up with an integrated payment option to ease burden on shops. Copyrighted music has so far imposed royalty payment on karaoke bars and large retailers. Starbucks Korea announced it will pay fe

LG V30's Unlock & Camara Functions

LG Electronics Inc.'s new flagship smartphone V30 will be able to unlock by saying a secret phrase. It is thanks to voice recognition technology. According to LG Electronics the V30 will come with a voice recognition solution that will allow its user to unlock the device on voice command. With the voice recognition system enabled by Qualcomm Aqstic voice UI technology. The smartphone user just needs to set up keywords and unlock the device by saying the preset keywords to the device. Also LG V30 can be unlocked via fingerprint or face recognition functions or knocking on the smartphone. The voice recognition based unlock system will give both fun and convenience, allowing its user to switch on the phone even in darkness, said an unnamed LG Electronics official, adding that the company will improve the system’s security level. The new smartphone is fitted with an advanced camera system. And enabling to produce images like professional photographers. The “Graphy” that ca

How to install Java(JDK) & download in Win10?

Hi, I am developer of 10 years. To develop web applications and Android applications, you need basic Java-related compilers, libraries, etc. You must install the included development kit called JDK. Let's start. JDK can be downloaded from Oracle. 1. Membership    1-1 Create an account Click to join Oracle.  1-2 Insert your existing e-mail address (you should get a confirmation e-mail) and create an account. 1-3 Sign in with the email you entered and confirm your email address. 1-4 Go back to the Oracle home page, Log in, and click the Trials and Downloads icon in the middle. 1-5 Click the icon below. 1-6 Click the icon below. 1-7 Click Accept License Agreement and download the one that matches your OS bit. 32 bits for x86, 64 bits for x64 2. Run the setup file     You just unconditionally next, but remember where it is installed. 3. Preferences I originally set the J