4th Industrial Revolution, Block Chain Essence and Great Secret

4th Industrial Revolution, Block Chain Essence and Great Secret

"The Devil Comes"

Steve Hawking's strong warning about the evolution of mankind, which is too slow for artificial intelligence to evolve as a result of the emergence of strong artificial intelligence, Ellen Musks warned that AI robot hacking attacks could be more dangerous than nuclear bombs. It is sending.

In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, what is the reality of the shadow that comes into being as a threat?

If the IOT era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, "autonomous vehicles," is hacked like an attack by an extremist Islamic fundamentalist Sunni militant group IS organization that uses sophisticated bomb attacks using real AI and drones combined with hardware.

German hackers penetrated Samsung Galaxy S8 'iris recognition' security, which was called "the strongest security", in one minute.

The Black Hate warns of danger through artificial heart, insulin pump manipulation, life threatening attack and insulin pump injection manipulation at outside 800M, Team cymru hacking 300,000 sharps, fake web movement, personal financial information Deodorization, malicious code, lansomware, and DIDOS attacks.

IoT society and the fourth industrial revolution era should keep the data open, the responsibility of information should be optimized and the data should be non-discriminated. However, IoT users' daily life is tracked through the data log. It is proved that it is enough to apply harm such as hacking through.

Until now, crime through physical manipulation has been almost impossible, and it was at the level of online record hacking and limited smart device control, but in the era of the 4th industrial revolution where excessive centralization accelerated, hacking could take object control, Means the possibility of leading to disasters such as large-scale casualties.

The 4th Industrial Revolution The IoT era has seen numerous IoT infrastructures such as NFC, RFID, Bluetooth, ANT, Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Z-wave, KNX and WiMax, as well as numerous cameras and tens of thousands of sensors, Almost all behaviors and perceptual information that occur in the physical space of human being through the object-specific network collects in the real-time cloud virtual system, and continues to converge and connect with the physical and virtual systems. This means the realization of a world in which a super intelligent future is precisely predicted.

At this time, what is the solution to the targeted central server and the indiscriminate serious personal hacking threat? It is difficult to predict and a complete solution is hard to find.

In fact, I am, in fact, the ninth protocol emerging from TCP, IP, FTP, SMTP, HTTP, VoIP, RTP, and TLS / SSL as the only alternative and a decentralized network of block- ) I think that the secrets are hidden in algorithms and security mechanisms.

Within a 10-minute block of a block chain, Proof of Work (PoW) proof of work and hash code algorithms are difficult to distinguish between original and duplicate copies, The problem of double payment of tokens of a specific server or a node is disturbed and information disturbance is caught, and the serious fault of the distributed network where there is concern about the occurrence of the moderation is not secured by the consensus or calculation power of a majority of participating network nodes within 10 minutes , Completely solved the problem of General Byzantium, which had been a long-cherished condition on condition that the arbitrary operation could not succeed.

The PKI mechanism of the block chain enables P2P virtual currency, video and data transaction integrity and non-repudiation (blocking), and the hash encryption scheme of the block chain is a trust based P2P shared network, The world of shared networks.

With the desire for various knowledge of mankind, in 1975 the appearance of PC started to open the age of information ownership and production. In 1993, with the advent of the Internet, "sharing of information" And the era of information flood.

In the IoT era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, what is the nature of the block chain?

<Vision of the Block Chain> Block Chain and Block Chain Business, Fourth Industrial Revolution Based Technology Reference
Why do you believe that a lot of people are enthusiastic about investing, like a gold or cash asset, like a bitch coin cryptocurrency, which is a simple digital type with no security trust through centralized government institutions or financial institutions ? The reason for this is that the most reliable means of trust that is stored in a distributed and open state without a central control or third-party management authority is the block chain.

In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the block chain is at the verifiable level of whether it is truly a great technology to save mankind.

In recent years, there has been an intense ICO (Initial Coin Offering) act, blindly collecting individual investment funds, weak basic security systems, and excessive electricity and computing power (CPU-GPU -ASIC), which is aimed only at the exploitation of the profits of mining and exploitation. The point is that the dot-com bubble, the story of the sea, which has forgotten the great essence and value to save humanity, Is a serious problem to overcome.

Fourth Industrial Revolution In the era of IoT, "Direction over speed" is more important to become a global leader in the block chain.

Recently, IBM, Samsung Electronics, and MS participated in the ADAPT IoT project. The ADAPT IoT project is based on trust-based openness such as Internet payment settlement and decentralized management using Telehash, BitTorrent, Ethereum, And that it has begun to provide a driving force for qualitative growth that leads to a transparent society through sharing.

Korea's first booster, block chain start-ups, who have been given the opportunity to lead the fourth industrial revolution and fulfill the great mission of saving the human race, are the imagination and shadow of the block chain. Rather than chasing, the block chain must be aligned with the nature and vision of the chain.

The great mission of the IoT society, the sacred block chain, is to overcome the flood of information floods and unreliability based on shared information, and to "trust" the intelligent democratization, the indispensable convergence, It must be remembered that it exists in the power of the greatest mystery of securing the "trust."


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