NHN Korea _ The main investor is individual investor
NHN Korea _ The main investor is individual investor Earnings to positive relative to volatility NHN Korea Cyber settlement rose 8.71% in the past one month, while NHN has recorded W18,100, down 3.72% from 12:10 pm on December 21. The standard deviation of the magnitude of the volatility over the same period was 3.5%. This means that the volatility has remained at its highest level since the monthly stock price return of NHN Korea Cyber Settlement was the highest compared to the major stocks in the software industry. In the past one month, NHN has taken a 2.4-point return on the risk of Korean cyber settlement. The volatility was high, but the return to risk was also high because the share price was fine. In addition, since the software sector's return to risk ratio was higher than -4.1, the sector performance is also positive. Next, when comparing the sectors and markets, the software sector, which includes NHN Korea Cyber Settlement, has lower volatility and higher ...